GP contract changes: Maximising IFF by improving patient access

As every GP will know the NHS contract has undergone a series of changes aimed at improving Primary Care. The Investment and Impact Fund has been redesigned so that £246 million is dedicated entirely to improving the patient experience. 70% of this will be provided monthly to PCNs and the remaining 30% will be awarded by ICBs after assessing improvements in patient access at the end of March 2024. By 30th June 2023, PCNs must have measured their baseline metrics and created a plan to submit to commissioners.

“It’s a sea change. Practices will no longer be allowed to tell patients to call back tomorrow for an appointment. They’ll have to signpost them to some sort of care that day.”


Shishir Singhee, Medloop CEO


How Medloop can provide a total solution for maximising impact and investment funding

Baseline Metrics

  • Medloop can help you collate any existing data taken from the GP Patient Survey run by Ipsos.
  • We can create and send out custom surveys from our platform to collect additional information.
  • Medloop collects auditable appointment data for any appointments we provide for your practice.

Commissioner Presentation/Plan 

  • We can help your PCN to take the data gathered in the baseline metrics and translate it into a plan. 
  • We can build a strategy to improve patient access and experience in order to raise those metrics. 

How the Medloop ‘digital front door’ can improve patient experience and access (see video below)

  • Our Digital Front Door ensures patients can book an appointment with Medloop from their practice’s website, without the need to call reception.
  • Our same-day Capacity Overspill Service, staffed by a multi-disciplinary GP-led team, can be dialled up whenever you have excess demand.
  • By September 2023 PCNs must have a workforce plan in place. If you have any ARRS underspend then other PCNs can bid and capture your unclaimed funding. Medloop’s Minor Ailments Hub uses ARRS clinicians to effectively triage and treat patients.

Medloop is solution for the practice 

  • We can implement the above services whilst continually measuring data. 
  • Medloop can translate data gathered into a presentation for the ICBs for March 2024. 

Download this brochure for more information about how Medloop can help you improve your patients’ access.

Learn more about our same-day consultation service accessed via our Digital Front Door


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