Medloop’s Integrated COVID Vaccine Manager (ICVM)

Medloop can help you deliver your COVID-19 vaccination clinics without compromising other patient services or hiring additional staff.

Learn about our NHS Digital assured COVID-19 appointment booking manager for GPs, PCNs and CCGs.

Covid Virus

Medloop’s integrated COVID Vaccine Manager (ICVM)

The ICVM is a COVID-19 vaccine appointment booking and outreach solution which enables healthcare providers to upload and invite patients (via SMS) to book their vaccination appointments.

Medloop’s ICVM goes beyond a simple text service: we provide dedicated administrative support to reach your elderly and vulnerable patient groups.

How is Medloop different?​

More than an SMS: We provide guidance & support

Diverse, ageing patient groups, particularly those eligible for the vaccine, requires variety in communication, not just an SMS service. The Medloop team contacts your patients directly via phone, letter or email to complete surveys and book appointments.

Intelligent patient outreach & identification

We've thought through the end-to-end long term challenges such as collecting consent, input patient declines straight into EMIS, and intelligent searches to find and assist your eligible patients.

Plan staff allocation & reduce vaccine waste

We help you manage the dual challenges of limiting vaccine wastage and plan your workforce needs by determining which patients are most likely to attend appointments.

‘By using software like Medloop's Integrated COVID-19 vaccine manager GPs and their practice staff do not have to decide between vaccination clinics and other day to day tasks.’
Jay Verma
Dr Jay Verma
GP Partner

Contact us for a demo or view our profile on the NHS buying catalogue

ICVM features

Patient list creation and notification
Scheduling and Apt Management
Record integration and Follow-Up

For patients not comfortable with booking via SMS or smartphone, Medloop’s team offer an outreach service to maximise patient uptake and limit vaccine wastage. 

Our system also includes multiple site options, with accessibility details to ensure attendees can easily access the site and communicate effectively with your staff.

‘Anything which could help ease this burden on GPs was a big step towards finally seeing off COVID-19. We have been working throughout this pandemic helping practices deliver vital services to their patients, particularly those who are shielding and have long term conditions, because technology can help overcome the sorts of problems the NHS - particularly primary care - has been facing.’
Shishir Singhee
Shishir Singhee
CEO and Founder of Medloop

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